while she and her roommates were at summer school for six weeks. It was too much. Their clothes were hanging in the closets and the dressers were packed with dainties. I was in seventh heaven.
I dressed from the skin out, prepared meals, cleaned the apartment and made my first venture in public.
It was at night and so it wasn't really a test but I enjoyed it. I remem- ber that I was wearing a pale blue jersey dress that was mine and that I had bought just for the occasion. I dressed carefully, and cautiously eased myself out the door of the apartment and down the stairs so as not to disturb the landlady. Once outside I had to stop. The feel of the wind washing round my nylon-encased legs was absolutely delicious and the experience was more than I could bear and still move. I leaned against the corner of the building and just enjoyed it. As it began to ebb I walked daintily, handbag swinging jauntily, and must have gone a mile or more, passing a few people at a distance and, of course, meeting many cares on their way along the road. No one stared or did anything upsetting and I arrived back at my hideaway with a warm, warm feel- ing of well-being. I felt like a girl.
I did this many times during the summer and each time I dressed, I felt more like a girl, and surprisingly, felt closer to my fiancée, for we had now decided to be married. My love for her became deeper because I knew the joy of being her.
I never told her about my secret but shortly after we were married I dressed for a Hallowe'en stunt. She was not feeling well and couldn't go out with me but I sensed that she didn't really approve of my dress- ing. From then on I have never told her how I really feel. It has been an underground maneuver all these twenty years. Oh, there have been other Hallowe'ens, and times when we were alone and I would dress "as a joke," but no real time when I was able to dress with her for longer than a few minutes.
That is what I would really love, to be able to be a girl with her dress in my nicest and sit for an evening with her, go out for a walk or a drive, and know that she and I are together. I hope someday it will be so but not yet.
My work took me frequently away from home and for such occasions I had a special case which carried my femme clothes. When my work was done I would return to my motel, dress to the nines, and just sit and